BALKANiA is a Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism focused on local sustainable economic development through alternative forms of tourism in macro sectors identified as: - Natural Tourism - Cultural Tourism - Rural Tourism - Sport Tourism
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BALKANIA is an association for Balkan Alternative Tourism and its activities include realization of projects in the field of alternative tourism which enable the promotion of Macedonia and the entire Balkan region as an attractive tourist destination with exceptional natural, historical, cultural and anthropological heritage. In addition to that, it focuses on projects and activities that help foster human capacity development in the field of tourism.
Erasmus+ KA1 project number (2023-1-MK01-KA122-ADU-000115619) We have finalized the training of our staff hosted by Permacultura Cantabria in Saron, Spain from 8-15 May 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 project Potential…
We have initiated the project D.I.A.N.A. – Developing Inclusive and Accessible Natural Areas – which is an Erasmus+ project (KA210 VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training project) implemented by…
Mount cycling – marathon – Popova Shapka – Mavrovo, Promotion mountain bike alternative tourism as value added product which preserve natural and ecological conditions of this region Results: 86 km path…
“ SPORT FOR ALL “ BALKANIA HELD FORUM: “SPORT AT THE WORKPLACE” IN DEMIR HISAR Leader of the Project :Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care The project is implemented…
SPORT FOR ALL Project coordinator: Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001 On 6 February 2017…
SPORT FOR ALL Project coordinator: Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001 On 6 February 2017…
SPORT FOR ALL Project coordinator: Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001 On 8th February 2017 Balkania…
На ден 18 ноември 2016 година во Битола се одржа кружна маса дел со наслов “Спорт и победуваш” дел од ЕУ проектот “Спорт за сите”. Во прилог е презентацијата. BITOLA_PREZENTACIJA-opt Галерија:…