BALKANiA is a Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism focused on local sustainable economic development through alternative forms of tourism in macro sectors identified as: - Natural Tourism - Cultural Tourism - Rural Tourism - Sport Tourism
BALKANIA is an association for Balkan Alternative Tourism and its activities include realization of projects in the field of alternative tourism which enable the promotion of Macedonia and the entire Balkan region as an attractive tourist destination with exceptional natural, historical, cultural and anthropological heritage. In addition to that, it focuses on projects and activities that help foster human capacity development in the field of tourism.
Erasmus+ KA1 project number (2023-1-MK01-KA122-ADU-000115619) We have finalized the training of our staff hosted by Permacultura Cantabria in Saron, Spain from 8-15 May 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 project Potential…
We have initiated the project D.I.A.N.A. – Developing Inclusive and Accessible Natural Areas – which is an Erasmus+ project (KA210 VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training project) implemented by…
Од Istok Press август 20, 2018 Договорот за пријателство, добрососедство и соработпка помеѓу Република Македонија и Република Бугарија започна да дава конкретни резултати. Од бугарска страна, од кај градот Струмјани, започна интензивно да…
INNOViMENTOR INNOViMENTOR:“Generating SME product and process innovation with a new tourism mobility model, stakeholder alliances and skills alliances to facilitate the market uptake of local enterprises in remote and sparsely populated…
BACKING REGIONAL TOURISM POTENTIAL Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism LEAD PARTNER : – “ Center for sustainable development – ALKA “ Skopje The project “Backing Regional tourism potential” is implemented within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme…
BALKANIA Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism: Балканија спроведува бесплатна обука во Скопје од 11 – 15 март 2019, за професија која е дефицитарна на туристичкиот пазар на труд: „Туристички водичи во природа“…
Во рамките на проектот Innovimentor од програмата INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean партнерството спроведува онлајн обука на чинители во туризмот со цел подобрување на нивното знаење за креирање на нов модел на креативен туризам. Програмата…
ECVET ENS 2.0 – Project : №2016-1-MK01-KA202-021665 National Agency for Education Programmes and Mobility approved a grant to BALKANIA about the project:Programme: ERASMUS + KA2 Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and…