Potential of the rural areas for a Sustainable Society
Erasmus+ KA1 project number (2023-1-MK01-KA122-ADU-000115619)
We have finalized the training of our staff hosted by Permacultura Cantabria in Saron, Spain from 8-15 May 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 project Potential of the rural areas for a sustainable society.
The project aims to address the limited opportunities for adults in rural areas and environmental concerns. It focuses on implementing initiatives for sustainable rural development, nature conservation, and entrepreneurial training.
The specific goals include better preparing and supporting adults in rural areas for lifelong learning, directing training activities towards sustainable development and environmental care, and enhancing experience in European projects to expand partnerships and improve outcomes.
During the 7 day training our participants learnt many new things about utilizing rural potential, ensuring sustainability, permaculture principles and how to apply all of those new skills into their job and also daily life.
Learning Objectives
To train our staff about good quality, innovative skills and resources on rural alternative tourism and entrepreneurship, for the upskilling of adult learners’ tools to facilitate their employment.
To learn specific strategies and entrepreneurial resources which ensure a rural sustainable and environmental-friendly development.
To learn innovative tools and useful strategies to, collaboratively, design attractive activities and sustainable international projects, and enhance their quality and results.
After the finalization of the training we organized an internal workshop among our staff and members to share all the newly gained knowledge within the organization and multiply it’s results to all members of ABAT Balkania.
Below you can see the video detailing the experience our participants had during the training as well as some photos from the activities.